I don't really go around hunting for new pretty food now, cuz erm. no money you see... & yeah, usually lazy to post too cuz I suck at giving comments anyway. It's also troublesome to upload the photos. So I'm actually more active on instagram nowadays. As compared to other social media channels.
I am still the usual otaku staying home catching up on drama series all the time. Still playing Pokemon Go but not so crazy about it anymore. Watched less movies now because tickets are expensive and I have nobody to watch with, and I don't know why I can find dramas to watch online but can't find movies. Oh yeah, I stopped watching The Walking Dead too, because Glenn died.
Actually no, it was because I tried watching it then an ad kept popping out, I couldn't close it and it scared me. So when I finally manage to shut it down, I never open the site anymore.
PMS sucks big time. Not the cramps (though it sucks too) but the emotional struggle that's driving me crazy. Getting depressed over no fucking reasons, feeling not good enough for anyone, hating myself and all. All these shit feelings and you can't talk to anyone about it. Why? Because they've got their own life to worry about. & also what do you expect people to say? I myself am the one who do not want to do anything about it. So I know I have no rights to rant about these. Ah ya, serves me right. I'll just get over it somehow and wait for it to come back again next month. Haha.
Also, I've been voiceless for two whole weeks. I wondered if I'll become mute, and also thought if that would be a good thing. But ya, of course it's not good. Not being able to give responds to people seems kinda rude, can't sing along when a good song comes, can't scream or laugh. It sucks.
Then there's me throwing money in gym membership but barely visiting. It's hard to book for classes now because it's always full and my weekly Monday yoga has paused for awhile because I was little busy with girlfriend's wedding and then after that kept feeling sick. Lost the drive to gym already. I still enjoy running home everyday from work though, because it feels good not having to top up my ez-link card, had to pause running too because I'm coughing really bad and my ankle hurts too.
Seriously, so many problems this month.. (roll eyes~)
& following are just random shots of flowers taken from my trip to Flower Dome :D