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What Does Your Life Path Say About You?
You are dependable and trustworthy and more willing than most people to sacrifice what you have for greater good of all....
Jiaqi, your Life Path of 4 ...
You are a trustworthy, practical and down to earth individual who places ethics above materialism and greed. You are a humanist at heart, and your life path focus is usually related to manifesting the greater philosophical ideals into practical reality. For this reason your expectations of yourself and others are unusually high.
You are a doer, more than a talker and nothing annoys you more than an individual that does not follow through on what he or she says he is going to do. You don't suffer fools gladly and have no problem swiftly eliminating people who you consider being a liability from your life. You especially have no tolerance for silly, neurotic or shallow people.
One of the problems of being a four is that you expect others to be of demanding of themselves as you are of yourself. It is painful for you to realize that others simply don't have the same perseverance, dedication and devotion to improving the world that you do. Many 4's are also extremists, tending to be very right wing or very left wing in their thinking.
Your incredible stamina, perseverance and will power allow you to accomplish ten times the amount of work that anyone else can in one day. Others often realize this about 4 and take advantage of your almost superhuman qualities. Your organization and planning skills are exemplary and for that reason you are a fantastic strategist, administrator, project manager. You are a perfect example of how "slow and steady wins the race."
However, it is part of your life path to learn how to delegate responsibility and let others take care of themselves every now and then! Many 4's are unhappy campers by the end of their lives simply because they chose the path of the hard-working martyrs while others reaped the benefits of all of their pioneering work. To avoid this you should always spare yourself the trouble of always making things right and let others be accountable for their own mistakes.
Often your tenacity and strong will is perceived as stubbornness. Fours often don't make good leaders as others see them as too autocratic and demanding. Of all of the numbers, you are most prone to such disorders as obsessive compulsive disorder and being addicted to perfection. The plus side of this is that many of you own dream homes that are spic and span from top to bottom. You are also an excellent landscaper and interior decorator.
You choose your friends and business partners wisely and function best in a team of two. You may have few close friends during your lifetime but the ones that you do have are loyal for life. You are dependable and trustworthy and more willing than most people to sacrifice what you have for greater good of all. Those who witness this are often touched by your kindness.
You are enraged by any type of social injustice and can be quite outspoken about politics, religion or ethics. Although your intentions are good, it is also one of your life challenges to learn to be tolerant of other's beliefs and opinions.
As the number 4 is associated with the earth element and the four elements you a re the most grounded of all of the numbers. This makes you an excellent parent and provider. You usually marry early in life and because of your conscientiousness about money are quite wealthy by the end of your days. You also love animals and will probably enjoy the company of many pets during your lifetime.
What a Number '11' Expression Says About You
Given all of your talents, it is paramount that you use your powers for good. Your keen perception of others and analytical abilities often give you a natural edge over others when it comes to professional relationships....
Jiaqi, your Expression of 11 ...
Your Potential Natural Talents and Abilities
You are a master number, which means that you are more concerned with ideals and ethics, rather than practical or materialistic issues. Your preoccupation with the divine can sometimes make you appear a bit bizarre or spacey to others. However as you are usually recognized as a genius from a very young age, your personal quirks are often forgiven.
Your exceptional intelligence and ability to spend hours by yourself was probably noticed when you were a young child. As an adult your probably still spend a great deal of time alone in the world of your incredible imagination. Your verbal and written skills are excellent and you have a keen analytical mind. Your brilliance often allows you to achieve scholastic excellence. You have many of the aspects of the other numbers and could be a great teacher, inventor, scientist or artist. However many of you choose a more off beat path in life as it is learning about the odd or the exceptional that excites you the most.
Perhaps the greatest achievement for your number is in the mastery of some kind of spiritual practice occult science. You are incredibly intuitive and many of you practice some form of divination. You may experience mysterious connections to others as well as prophetic dreams. As you are so intelligent, sometimes your curiosity leads you down taboo or forbidden paths. As you were so smart as a child you may have been left out of normal social groups. This makes you more vulnerable than other numbers to joining a cult or being influenced by a religious leader.
Sometimes you are also a very defensive person as you bitterly resent those who don't understand you or can't keep up with you. Being left out of things can become a chronic pattern for you if you are not careful. Some elevens feel so powerless in social situations that they are tempted to use metaphysical means to gain power over others.
Given all of your talents, it is paramount that you use your powers for good. Your keen perception of others and analytical abilities often give you a natural edge over others when it comes to professional relationships. However in personal relationships, elevens often appear emotionally detached to loved ones who feel manipulated by them.
Many elevens are so eccentric that they can't hold down a job. In most of these cases however they seem to find someone to take care of them so they can pursue their mental and creative interests.
You have the potential to thrive in the business world but you probably prefer a more unconventional lifestyle that gives you the room to explore your various interests. Travel and history are two subjects that greatly interest you and you feel spiritually recharged when visiting a holy or mystical place in the world.
As you are so brilliant you can also appear as a bit too eccentric to others. This may express it self in your manner of dress or where you live. As you think in the long term the future of humanity is always on your mind so you are thrifty with your resources and probably active in some kind of charity or ecological organization.
You are capable of being a good parent but as you see relationships as a process, as opposed to a goal, you may opt to have several "soul mates" during your life. It is often an eleven who is the parent of several children by different spouses. However you are a good provider and excel at managing an extended family.
Your Soul Urge
(also known as your "Heart's Desire")
Jiaqi, your Soul Urge of 2 ...
What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life
Your soul urge is to be admired and loved by all. You have an enormous faith in other people and if they do let you down you tend to behave, as it is the end of the world. One of your soul challenges is to realize that only God is perfect and others are not god-like in their actions.
You have a deep compulsive need to connect with others and if this does not happen, your personality will distort itself in all kinds of ways in order to get approval. This means that you often will put yourself in the position of being a doormat. Twos often demonstrate their submissiveness and loyalty very early on in a relationship. Unfortunately it is only human nature for others to simply take advantage of that.
You take everything that happens very personally. You often have a strong idea of what constitutes loyalty to you in your mind and it does not take much for you to feel betrayed by another. Another one of your challenges is to recognize that other people are allowed to change their minds and don't necessarily have to be a slave to your point of view in order to be your friend.
If someone rejects you romantically, it is not long before your passion turns to hate and thoughts of revenge. This is because you are very much ruled by your emotions and not your mind. Your deep seated need to be desired and loved can not only lead to obsession, but it can also send you into disassociated states where you refuse to admit to yourself that a relationship is not working. Remember that it takes more courage to end a bad relationship than it does to stay in it.
Others may not respect you because you seem to have so little respect for yourself. This is because in your eagerness to help or be important to others you often overlook your own appearance or self care. It helps to remember the rule that before you can help anyone else you need to help yourself first.
As you are generally humbled by so many bad experiences you may need a little help with your self-esteem. Choosing a hobby or a craft that you do very well and attempting to excel at it can help you in this department.
As you are very sympathetic you also feel a deep compulsion to fix other peoples lives or make it all better. You often do this behind the person's back for his or her own good. The problem with this approach is that it earns you a reputation as a busybody or a meddler.
Part of your soul urge is to find your soul mate. Often number twos are in such a hurry to be blessed in this manner they will try to transform an obviously unsuitable partner into the man or woman of their dreams. Then they are badly let down when the person's actions shatter their carefully constructed illusions.
Twos also don't feel complete unless they have found the "other" in their life. This is an attitude that often limits their choices and sabotages their freedom. They decide that they won't be happy until their better half appears. This self-indulgent approach often leads to a life of emotional dissatisfaction and misery. Ironically, once you resolve to be happy whether you are in a relationship or not your astral vibration is increased to the extent that you attract your soul mate immediately.
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