
Thursday, March 28, 2013

Thank you~~

I'm a lucky girl, with awesome friends and family. Thank God for blessing me with what I have right now. Even with a few tough times once in a while, I understand. What's life without ups and downs? Would there even be rainbow without some rain?

& to all my awesome friends... Thank you for being part of my life, thank you for staying with me, thank you for your existence.. & for tolerating my temper nonsense and whatever (;

Love you all 

For others or for yourself?

Will you work on trying to change yourself if people dislike you?
Does putting an effort in trying to make people like you means being fake? Does that mean not being yourself?

One needs to learn the difference between bootlicking, and thinking for others. By bootlicking you are constantly pleasing someone for your own benefits. But for putting yourself in others' shoes, it's totally different. Sometimes we need to think for ourselves, yes but for others too. There's a need to find a balance.

Anyway, I feel lucky to be blessed with the sense of knowing if people will like or hate what I do. Some people thought it was common sense, but no. There are still many who do not have this ability. They do things and didn't know that people hated what they're doing, so they continue. End up getting hated by people without knowing why.

Many times we face this question "why change yourself for others?"
Well, if you think what you're doing is right, then don't change. If you have doubts on what's good or bad, ask. Listening to advices will not cause you any harm. If what your friends says make sense to you, take it in and work on making yourself a better person. Don't think that changing makes you lose your true self, it doesn't as long as you are improving yourself.
We all want to be a better person, more likable and approachable. It's not for others but yourself.
Keep upgrading yourself, in your character, personality, work and whatever whenever you can. This way you can most likely live a better or easier life too.

Goodluck, with loves ^_^

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

How I wish life can be slightly more relax.. but then again, if its at a slower pace, we are going to take longer to reach our goals.
Every time I buy something new for myself, I feel like life is getting better again.
I'm waiting for the day I change my phone to Android, I'll be like- YAY NEW PHONE! NEW LIFE!
Love exploring :D
Will miss my iPhone though... Still want to continue my support towards Apple. Maybe I'll get a Macbook  then another new life HAHA. Till I have the money.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Decision making sucks...

I thought I had my plans going perfectly.
Then the call came, and everything changed and I just cried.
No idea why too. Maybe because I had stressed about this before and made my decision, but now I have to think over again.
Working and studying together is hell. I like relax life, but it just seems impossible in this era. Especially in Singapore...
How I wish I can skip over this decision making process. Be in the course I like, working with a better income and enjoying holiday breaks once in awhile.
That's it, my slack life going to end soon. Just hope I have time for my boyfriend, family and friends.. and also time for myself... which I doubt I'm going to have..
Ahh.. so stress so stress.......

You tell me I have my weekends for social life... Then I asked about assignments and all... you tell me I can do them on weekends. I don't have five days of weekends... There's no freaking time for everything else. I don't like this kind of life, but I don't have any choice, do I? After all it's for my own future...
I feel so stress just thinking about it.

Just hope I can do it.